1-Always make sure that you are comfortable when you want to study like laying on the bed or having a cup of tea. Your surrounding is also somewhat important because sometime a messy room make you having a problem to study or at least keep your desk or table clean.Well at least I would recommend that you sit properly instead of laying on the bed but it is up to you.
2-If you have done your own note then use them. If it is not good enough I will explain it in step 3. If you are a student in school don not relying on the references book too much because sometime the extra information that would not came out on the exam will be bothering so refer to your text book. If you are a college student or in a university all you got to do is to hear your lecturer speaking in your class or just do some research on Goolge based on your subject because most of the college or university have the same reference stuff which is a book cost around 300MYR-1000MYR. So it is much better to use your search engine.
3-Now if you really a sleepknot person that always being a sloth in a class and you do not understand and dont know what you have learn you have to brave yourself. So what are you going to do? Ok now if you are a person like that as much as I am I would suggest that you learn to read fast as example reading a page of reference book under a minute and understand the whole page mean. I cant explain this technique because it will took a while. SO at least read as fast as you can while remebering a few important keyword on what is the page talking about.
4- If you want to make a handy not dont bother on writing al most everything on the text book or reference book. As example instead of writing the whole sentences : The cat drink milk while laying on the mat : The whole poin is : Cat drink milk lay mat : most likel like that but that is not a good references. Only write the Main point on the note and remember its elaboration / defenition. Or if you cant remember using the main point then find a good word to describe that thing. Such as a procedure, instead of writing in number order you can use the first alphabet of each sentences and make a sentences out of it which is comfortable for and for me I would like to make it funny so that I can remeber that thing.
Ok now the break down of what I've talked about.
-Comfort (In all ways)
-Know what are you studying
-Fast reading
-Handy note
Ok thats it.Im sorry if it too long and if you need my help please leave a comment :)
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